
ICC Trade Register Report


The 2023 edition of the Trade Register Report has now been published and is available for purchase and download at the following link:



The ICC Trade Register aligns its analytical methods to the Basel Approach and includes short-term traditional trade and supply chain finance products as well as medium to long-term export credit agency (ECA) backed export finance loans. Short-term products are instruments with a typical maturity of less than one year and with a clear link to a specific underlying trade transaction.


The 2023 ICC Trade Register report includes analysis on trade finance asset classes for more than a decade, the data - which has been compiled and provided by the 22 contributing banks and financial institutions - represents up to 30% of all global trade finance transactions.


As stated within the report, it draws on a representative data set from 26 trade finance and export finance banks of more than 47 million global trade finance and export finance transactions with exposures in excess of $23 trillion. The combination of import letters of credit, export letters of credit, performance guarantees, and supply chain finance exposures in the full 2023 Trade Register report amounts to approximately 23% of global traditional trade finance flows and 7% of all global trade flows in 2022.



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