
December 2018

  • More DOCDEX Decisions
    DOCDEX 348 Forty collection instructions given by a remitting bank to a collecting bank stated that documents were to be delivered against acceptance of drafts by the drawee and endorsement of the drafts by the collecting bank...
  • International Standard Demand Guarantees Practice (ISDGP)
    First mentioned in the URDG Newsletter dated 1 July 2012, edited by Georges Affaki: "Task Force members are often asked whether the ICC Banking Commission will compile and release in the form of a booklet the "international standard demand guarantee practice" referred to in URDG 758 article 2...
  • CITF® examination: a timely update?
    As we have highlighted in previous blogs, the CITF® examination was developed by The London Institute of Banking & Finance (formerly ifs University College) and launched in 2009, with endorsement by the ICC in 2014...